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Prayer of Saint Ephraim

O Lord and Master of my life,
Grant not unto me a spirit of idleness,
of discouragement,
of lust for power,
and of vain speaking.


But bestow upon me, Thy servant,
the spirit of chastity,
of meekness,
of patience,
and of love.


Yea, O Lord and King,
grant that I may perceive
my own transgressions,
and judge not my brother,
for blessed art Thou
unto ages of ages.


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Prayer Against the Evil Eye & Demonic Influence

Prayer Against the Evil Eye & Demonic Influence

Almighty God, Who delivered Your people from the bondage of the adversary, and through Your Son cast down Satan like lightning, deliver me also from every influence of unclean spirits. Command Satan to depart far from me by the power of Your only begotten Son. Rescue me from demonic imaginings and darkness. Fill me with the light of the Holy Spirit that I may be guarded against all snares of crafty demons. Grant that an angel will always go before me and lead me to the path of righteousness all the days of my life, to the honor of Your glorious Name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

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The Value of Wine in Orthodox Religion: Old & New Testament

The Value of Wine in Orthodox Religion: Old & New Testament

As we know from the writings in the Old Testament, wine acquired distinctive symbolism. After the flood, Noah planted and managed to create his own vineyard. In Exodus, God gave a promise to bless three significant goods for human life: bread, water and wine. The lands and climate in the regions of Hebron and Palestine were conducive for the cultivation of vineyards. Viticulture flourished in a short time and gained great demand, as people cultivated their vines to produce the blessed wine. David hymns wine through his psalms, saying: "And wine that makes glad the heart of man..." (Psalm 104:15) and "You have put gladness in my heart, More than in the season that their grain and wine increased" (Psalm 4:7).  

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Simonopetra Monastery: an architectural wonder in the monastic state of Mount Athos

Simonopetra Monastery: an architectural wonder in the monastic state of Mount Athos

One of the most imposing monasteries of Mount Athos, the Holy Great Monastery of Simonos Petra is built on the edge of a steep granite rock and balances between heaven and earth, in a unique and impressive way. The majestic edifice is defined by a seven-story turreted building, on a large turreted base, it is located at a distance of about 300 m. from the sea and is actually a special example of bold Byzantine engineering. The historical life of the Holy Patriarchal Monastery of Simonopetra has a continuous course of approximately eight centuries, which ranks it in the 13th hierarchical position among the 20 monasteries of Mount Athos.

The 20 Monasteries of Mount Athos MORE


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