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Lady of Kazan

    Tradition says that the icon of Virgin Mary of Kazan was a gift from the Patriarch of Constantinople Germanus II to the inhabitants of Kazan city in the 13th century. The Patriarch donated the image as a sign of support, consolation and hope to the inhabitants against the frequent raids they were suffering from.
    When the city was eventually captured by the Tatars in 1438 AD, something amazing have happened. The icon of Virgin Mary mysteriously disappeared. Later, in 1579 when the Kremlin of the city was completely destroyed by fire. The Muslims attributed the destruction to the wrath of the prophet Muhammad. At that time, there was hate among the inhabitants of the city that led to a civil conflict. The Virgin Mary, however, did not leave them helpless. She appeared to a young lady, Matrona, and pointed to her where the holy icon was buried.
    The little Matrona explained what happened to her mother and then informed the Bishop of the city, Saint Gouria. The Holy Bishop Gouria listened carefully to what the little Matrona had told him and enlightened by the Holy Spirit he obeyed to the will of Virgin Mary. The holy icon of Virgin Mary , was found at the point where little Matrona pointed out, at a depth of three feet on July 8th, 1579. Saint Gouria carried the holy icon with the appropriate honour and with the participation of all the Christian inhabitants of the city to the Church of Saint Nicholas.
    The icon of the Virgin Mary of Kazan has performed countless miracles, the first was the cure of the blind Joseph. Virgin Mary of Kazan was so important that the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty, Micheal Feodorovich (1613-1645), established two celebrations to honour it. A religious one, in regards of the discovery of the holy icon on July 8th and a national one for the release of Russians by the Poles on October 22st.
Since then, this holy icon has become the symbol and protector of all the Russians. Indeed, when they are to be engaged, the Czars crucified their rings on it for blessing.
    There was a tradition that says that as long as the holy icon would be in Russia there will be peace. However, on November 29th 1904, the Sacred Image disappeared mysteriously from the Holy Monastery of the Virgin Mary of Kazan, where it was guarded. Some claimed that it was been stolen because of the valuable frame that covered it. And indeed, it was. The robbers were caught, the cover was found, but the picture was never found. More surprisingly was that even the copy that it was in St. Petersburg was also disappeared in 1917 on its way to Moscow.


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Theotokos Prodromitissa - Holy Skete of the Forerunner

Theotokos Prodromitissa - Holy Skete of the Forerunner

    In the Roman Cloister of the Holy Prodromos of Mount Athos there is the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary Precursor (Prodromitissa). It is one of the rarest icons of the Orthodox Church because it was not painted by a human hand. This miracle of the acheiropoieton hagiography of the image occurred as follows:
    In the year 1863 the owners of the Cloister, fathers Nephilos and Nektarios, wished to acquire a beautiful icon of the Virgin Mary, as all the monasteries of Mount Athos.
    Thus, they sought and found in Iasi, Romania, a pious hagiographer called Iordakin Nikolaou, and begged him to paint with prayer and fast the image they wished. The hagiographer agreed and very devoutly began to work.

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Prayer of the Optina Elders

Prayer of the Optina Elders

Grant unto me, O Lord, that with peace of mind I may face all that this new day is to bring.Grant unto me to dedicate myself completely to Thy Holy Will.For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in all things.


Whatsoever tidings I may receive during the day, do Thou teach me to accept tranquilly, in the firm conviction that all eventualities fulfill Thy Holy Will.

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Saint George Karslides

Saint George Karslides

Saint George Karslides was born in Argyroupolis, Pontos in 1901. He became an orphan very young, so it was his pious grandmother, who raised the young Athanasios (St. George's baptismal name) to have a "holy fear of God and a fervent love for the Church's divine services". The region of Pontos in Asia Minor has historically been a great seat of Orthodoxy and more recently was also the site of such spiritually important monasteries of Panagia Soumela, Peristereota and St. John Vazelonos. At the age of five Athanasios began tending his family\'s flocks, all while bearing the harsh treatment of his older brother, who made life difficult for him and for his younger sister Anna. They bore this with love, perseverance and holiness. In fact, when Anna died at a young age, light emanated from her grave. Three years later, when her remains were exhumed, her bones had the same yellow hue as the Saints of God.

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Virgin Mary of Kazan

Virgin Mary of Kazan

35,00 €
Prayer Rope for the Wrist with Virgin Mary of Kazan
Theotokos of Kazan Silver Pendant

Theotokos of Kazan Silver Pendant

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Incense Set - Holy Cell Presentation of Virgin Mary
Myrrh Holy Cell of Saint Nicholas

Myrrh Holy Cell of Saint Nicholas

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Beeswax Easter Candles Holy Cell of St. Nicholas
Our Lady of Kazan

Our Lady of Kazan

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Waxy Prayer Rope with Virgin Mary of Kazan

Waxy Prayer Rope with Virgin Mary of Kazan

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Wooden Neck Cross made of Pine

Wooden Neck Cross made of Pine

5,00 €
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