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Mount Athos is known as the "Garden of Virgin Mary". As the place where the Most Holy Theotokos is honored, as the place where she appears, acts and rests, as "the conceivable and most beautiful Paradise of Theotokos". According to the tradition, Mount Athos was given as a heritage to the Virgin Mary by the Lord himself: "Let this place be a heritage and its surroundings be Paradise, and a port of salvation for those who want to be saved".

Holy Belt - Holy Cincture of the Virgin Mary

Holy Belt - Holy Cincture of the Virgin Mary

The power of the Sacred Belt of Theotokos is great and miraculous. It preserves the grace of the Virgin Mary, sanctifies the faithful and frees them from sorrows and diseases. The Holy Belt has performed innumerable miracles, especially in cases of women who had difficulty conceiving children. A ribbon sanctified by the Agia Zoni helps women to have a good pregnancy.

Holy Protection - Holy Skepe of the Virgin Mary

Holy Protection - Holy Skepe of the Virgin Mary

At the time that Leo the Great (A.D. 457-474) was king, saint Andrew the Fool-for-Christ lived in Constantinople. A night οf vigil in the temple of Our Lady of Blachernae, Saint Andreas, together with his student Epiphanius, who later became a patriarch of Constantinople (520-536 AD), saw the Holy Mother of God clearly visible, coming from the central gate of the temple. On the side of Holy Mother of God was a multitude of angels, and the virgins John the Forerunner and John the Theologian.

Virgin Mary Eleousa (Mercy Giving)

Virgin Mary Eleousa (Mercy Giving)

The miraculous icon of the Virgin Eleousa was hidden, at a depth of one and a half meters under the ground over centuries and found in a miraculous way. The Holy Mother of God appeared to the eight-year-old Athanasius Syros, while he was playing with other children on a hillside. She appeared to him as an unknown woman, who was dressed in black and barefoot, to make repentance. Despite the fact that the place was dry, it became soft and sank like the dough, because of the repentance of the unknown woman. At the three spots, where the woman worshiped, the ground started producing a sweet sense. However, no one believed what the little Athanasius experienced.

Virgin Zoodochos Pigi (Lifegiving Spring)

Virgin Zoodochos Pigi (Lifegiving Spring)

    About 450 AD a Byzantine soldier called Leon was in a forest, when he saw a blind man in front of him asking for some water to quench. Leo was willing to search and bring him water. So, he was searching in the forest for a long time to find some source of water but in vain. So, he returned sad.    Suddenly, he heard a woman\'s voice telling him: "No need, Leo, to agonize, to be angry, to be sad, the water is beside you." And after a while he listened to the unknown voice commanding him: "Leo King, take this water and let the blind man drink and quench, and one more thing, smear his eyes with this and you will soon understand who is the voice that is talking to you." That's what Leo did, and then the blind man found his light. At the same time, Leo's eyes were opened, and he realized that the voice that spoke to him was of the Virgin Mary and that the great miracle of the healing of the blind was due to her.

Theotokos Land of Non Land

Theotokos Land of Non Land

The fact of the incarnation of the Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary and the iconography of the Virgin Mary with Jesus Christ in Her bosom, gave the name to the homonymous image of \"Land of Non Land\". Of course, this theological fact is revealed in the hymnology of our Church before iconography. Thus, Saint Romanos the Melodus, shares his well-known hymns in the Birth of Christ: \"The one that is not build by material resource and the one that does not occupy space, He is now born and exists and occupies space\".

Panagia Ierosolymitissa: the Acheiropoieton Icon of the Virgin Mary of Jerusalem

Panagia Ierosolymitissa: the Acheiropoieton Icon of the Virgin Mary of Jerusalem

The holy icon of the Panagia Ierosolymitissa is found in the Holy Shrine of the Historical Monument of Gethsemane. This place is the empty tomb of Our Lady, known as the Kenotaphios (empty tomb), since her body was taken up in Heaven on the third day of her Dormition and is capable of performing miracles. The miracles of the holy icon are innumerable wherever it was found. The miraculous icon has traveled to several parts of Greece for veneration, while a faithful copy of it can be found in the town of Jenisea in Xanthi.

Virgin Kykkou of Cyprus

Virgin Kykkou of Cyprus

    One of the most pious Christian virtues of all Cypriots is the worship of the Virgin Mary, in honour of which, dedicated to the magnificent monastery of Kykkos, which was founded at the end of the 11th century. There, the Byzantines carried the apostolic and miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary, which was named \"Kykkiotisa\". The monastery of Kykkos was chosen as the \"Residence of the Virgin Mary\" of Kykkiotissa, where at times it appears in the visible world through the miracles, assuring her presence among us.

Virgin Mary of Sorrows - Seven Swords

Virgin Mary of Sorrows - Seven Swords

According to Orthodox tradition, the icon of our Lady of Sorrows is associated with the prophecy of the Righteous Simeon, as recorded by the Evangelist Luke: "...yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also..." (Luke 2:35). The prophecy refers to the pain that the Virgin Mary would experience at the moment of separation from her beloved Son, when He would be crucified in front of her eyes. In the icon of the Virgin Mary with the Seven Swords, the infinite pain of her heart and the sorrow that the Ever-Virgin Mary suffered during her earthly journey, are depicted. The fullness of the grief and anguish that she endured, emanates from the Passion of Jesus Christ, as well as His Crucifixion.

Our Lady of the Vine - Holy Monastery of Simonos Petra

Our Lady of the Vine - Holy Monastery of Simonos Petra

    The Holy Monastery of Simonos Petra maintains on the island of Lemnos, in the village of Propouli, a historical monastery dependency from the 14th century, which is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. In the sanctuary of Sacred Metochi, built by the Monk of Simonos Petra monastery, Agapios in 1706 AD, the miraculous sacred icon of Virgin of the Vine is kept. Virgin of the Vine is especially loved by all the island\'s inhabitants.

Virgin Mary of Consolation

Virgin Mary of Consolation

Virgin Mary of Consolation is the most important and famous Byzantine temple in the prefecture of Arta. It was built in the 13th century by Nicephorus the 1st Komnenos Doukas, when the Despotate of Epirus was at its peak. The temple is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin, while we find evidence that in the 16th century it was the Catholic female monastery.

The Inexhaustible Cup of Life

The Inexhaustible Cup of Life

  The icon of the Virgin Mary, called the \"The Inexhaustible cup of Life\", became known to the Orthodox World only in 1878, when a miraculous event occurred. In the Yefremovsky District of Tula province in Russia, lived a retired soldier, called Stephen. This man suffered from alcoholism. He spent all his fortune on alcohol and lived an unpleasant and vulnerable way of life.     One night, however, he experienced an unusual dream that shook him a lot. A monk in imposing form appeared in his sleep and said to him: \"Go to Serpukhov in the monastery of Virgin Mary. There, you will find her icon called \" The inexhaustible cup of Life\". You will pray in front of it and your body and soul will be cured immediately. But the man showed reluctance and did not obey these words. The monk, however, appeared again in the man\'s sleep insisting on making this journey. After appearing for the third time, Stephan decides to obey the monk\'s command and start the journey, although his legs were weak due to the paralysis.

Lady of Vladimir

Lady of Vladimir

The miraculous icon of Vladimir is one of Russia\'s most famous icons and its connection to the Russian people dates back to its beginnings.     According to one tradition, it is one of the images of the evangelist Luke, who was in Jerusalem until 450. Then it was transferred to Constantinople and Patriarch Luke of Chrysovergi offered it as a gift to the ruler Yuri Vladimirovic Dolgokruki. He placed it on the women\'s monastery of Visegrad.     In 1155 Prince Andrei Vogobulski transferred the icon to Vladimir, where he built a magnificent temple dedicated to the Dormition of the Virgin of Vladimir to host this precious and magnificent icon.  

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