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Virgin Mary of Sorrows - Seven Swords

The icon of the Virgin Mary with the Seven Swords is one of the most unusual depictions of Theotokos and is associated with many miracles.


The Virgin Mary of the Seven Swords is also known by the names "The Prophecy of Simeon the Righteous",  "Our Lady of Sorrows", “The Softener of Evil Hearts”, or "Softener of Our Hardened Hearts".


Find here: icons with the Virgin Mary of Sorrows


The variations of Our Lady with the Seven Swords


In this particular icon, the seven swords that are held by the Virgin Mary can be placed in two ways. In one depiction, we see four swords over the left shoulder of the Virgin Mary and three on the right shoulder, all piercing her heart.


In the second depiction, the Theotokos can be shown with three spears on each shoulder and a central spear with the handle pointing downwards. The central spear appears to pierce her hands miraculously without creating “wounds”, while it touches the other six spears.


The Symbolism of the Miraculous Icon 


The Prophecy of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver


According to Orthodox tradition, the icon of our Lady of Sorrows is associated with the prophecy of the Righteous Simeon, as recorded by the Evangelist Luke: "...yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also..." (Luke 2:35).


The prophecy refers to the pain that the Virgin Mary would experience at the moment of separation from her beloved Son, when He would be crucified in front of her eyes.


Find here: icons of Saint Simeon the God-Receiver


Why Panagia has Seven Swords


The spears, that are held by the Ever-Virgin Mary in the miraculous icon, symbolize individually the victory against each expression of the "evil". Each sword represents a specific type of "evil".

The symbolism of the seven swords


1. The first spear symbolizes the defeat of magic, as well as negative influences and temptations it may bring.


2. The second sword refers to illnesses, with an emphasis on mental and psychological disorders.


3. The third spear reflects issues related to marriage, fertility, as well as children.


4. The fourth spear is related to personal problems and accidents.


5. The fifth spear symbolizes the evil eye, slander, and generally malicious actions that lead to negative influence. Read here: Prayer Against the Evil Eye & Demonic Influence


6. The sixth spear refers to deception, injustice and deceit.


Find here: icons with the Virgin Mary with the Seven Swords


What the number seven symbolizes in the Holy Scripture


The Holy Scripture teaches that the number seven symbolizes completeness and abundance.


In the icon of the Virgin Mary with the Seven Swords, the infinite pain of her heart and the sorrow that the Ever-Virgin Mary suffered during her earthly journey, are depicted. The fullness of the grief and anguish that she endured, emanates from the Passion of Jesus Christ, as well as His Crucifixion.


Find here: Silver Pendants with Our Lady of Sorrows


How was discovered the icon of the Virgin Mary with the Seven Swords 


The icon of the Virgin Mary with the Seven Swords was found in the bell tower of a small provincial church. The reason why the icon was in this position remains unknown, as it was being used as a plank for support and the face of the Theotokos was turned towards the ground.


The unworthy position where the icon was found did not last long, as with Divine Intervention, the icon was soon discovered and performed many miracles. 


A resident of the area named Kandikov saw in his dream that he should search for an icon in the bell tower of the church and pray to it. With this action, he would be healed from the weakness and illnesses that afflicted him.


Indeed, this man proceeded towards the Church, but the attendees did not allow him to search for the icon. Nevertheless, he did not give up his efforts and continued to go to the Church.


During his third visit, he was allowed to search and finally found the icon, cleaned it, worshiped it and was healed!


Find here: icons with the Virgin Mary of Seven Swords


The miracles of our Lady of  Sorrows


The icon of our Lady of Sorrows has performed countless miracles from old times to the present day.


In 1830, in the city of Vologda, a cholera epidemic broke out. At that time, a litany with the icon of the Virgin Mary of the Seven Swords was held and miraculously the disease ceased.


The tears of the Virgin Mary of the Seven Swords


In recent years, during certain difficult moments for the people, the icon of the Ever-Virgin Mary shedded tears. This occurred on August 12, 2000, during the tragedy with the submarine Kursk and on September 11, 2001, when the Twin Towers collapsed.


Find here: magnet and sticker with the Virgin Mary of Sorrows


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Mother of God of Three Hands Trojeručica - Hilandar Monastery

Mother of God of Three Hands Trojeručica - Hilandar Monastery

The icon of the Theotokos Three-Handed (Trojeručica in Serbian or Tricherousa in Greek), one of the miraculous icons of the Serbian Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos. The icon was an heirloom of Saint John of Damascus and was kept with great reverence in the chapel of his house. During the Iconoclasm, the Emperor of Constantinople was Leo III the Isaurian. During this period, the veneration of holy icons was forbidden. However, Saint John of Damascus was a fervent defender of the icons. Through his writings, he sought to fight off the pillars of Iconoclasm.

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Take away from me, O Virgin, the fetters of sin, of my lusts and other transgressions: the terrible carelessness and the overcaring, the evil curiosity and the talkativeness, the useless incontinence and the haughtiness, the negligence, the drunkenness and the lack of mercy, the bad desires, the terrible impurity, the extravagance, the darkness, the great insensitivity.

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