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Miraculous Icon: Virgin Mary of Mount Athos

According to orthodox tradition, the Theotokos, accompanied by the Evangelist John and headed towards Corfu with the purpose of visiting Lazarus, found herself near the peninsula of Athos.


Due to a great sea storm, they were forced to disembark at the place where the Holy Monastery of Iviron stands today. It is said that the Virgin Mary admired this place so much that she asked her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to grant it to her as a gift.


For this reason, Mount Athos is also known as the 'Garden of the Virgin Mary,' and the Theotokos is regarded as the Lady of the Holy Mountain.


Find here: Icons with Virgin Mary of Mount Athos.




The words of the Virgin Mary to the two hermits


Around 655 to 681 AD, the Theotokos, made her first appearance on Mount Athos to the hermit Saint Peter. Four to five centuries later, the Virgin Mary appeared to the hermit Nicholas, abbot of the Monastery of Great Lavra.


The Virgin Mary spoke the following words to the two hermits: 


«Your dwelling and your rest according to God will not be anywhere else except on Mount Athos, which I received from my Son and God to be my present, in which those who they want to depart from worldly situations, to come to it and work in this orchard, to cultivate virtue, purity of heart and purity of soul, and from now on it will be called by all «Mount Athos».


«Mount Athos is called from now on... my Garden.»


Find here: Embroidery with Theotokos 




The promise of the Virgin Mary to the monks


The Virgin Mary of Mount Athos, after speaking to the hermits, gave a promise. She assured them that her love would be so great towards them that it would serve as a shelter, a safeguard and protection against all temptations, evil, and dangers.


Find here: Hand Carved Wooden Icon Theotokos Eforos.


The Virgin Mary Protector of the Athonite monks


One of the greatest miracles of the Virgin Mary of Mount Athos


On October 3, 1948, in Karyes of Mount Athos, communist insurgents attacked the Military Police and the civil Governor of Mount Athos, Mr. Panagiotakis.


On the same day, the insurgents began their attack on the Cell of Prophet Elijah, where the feast of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite was being celebrated. During the Divine Liturgy, 50 monks were present there.


Before the end of the Divine Liturgy, the insurgents attacked with firearms, machine guns, and artillery. Unfortunately, one of the mortar shells reached the roof of the Cell.


However, through the intervention of Divine Providence and the Virgin Mary, the mortar shell did not explode, resulting in no injuries to those that were present.


Find here: Magnet with the Virgin Mary of Athos.




The Virgin Mary of Mount Athos: Protector and Shelter of the monks to this day


The presence and miracles of the Theotokos were evident on Mount Athos, especially during the time of the German Occupation and the insurgency. Although the trials were quite harsh for the monks and invisible and visible temptations continue to exist even today, they manage to overcome them with the help and protection of the Virgin Mary.


Today, the Garden of the Virgin Mary continues its uninterrupted spiritual work, consistently preserving the Faith and the sacred struggle of the monks.


Find here: Monastery Leather Belt Virgin Mary Eforos




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