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Panagia Myrovlitisa - Holy Monastery Dionisiou

According to an inscription on a silver plaque on its back, this icon was given by the Emperor Alexius Comnenus to the Blessed Dionysious, the founder of the Monastery, when the latter visited Trebizond, and it is that with which the Patriarch Sergius on the walls of Constantinople repelled the siege of the Scythians in 626 AD, and before which after a miraculous victory of the Byzantines the Akathistos Hymn was sung for the first time. In 1592 it was stolen by Algerian pirates, but a great tempest, a terrible dream and a strange miracle seen by their leader decided them to return it to the Monastery. The icon had shattered the casket in which they had hidden it and was immersed in myrrh. Some of the pirates, overwhelmed by the miracle, stayed at the Monastery, were baptised, and became monks. In 1767 it was again stolen by a band ruffians from Dalmatia, but on their way back home they were detected by Greek shepherds, who took it from them and took it to Skopelos. The village elders of the island refused to return the icon to the monks of Dionysiou who came to take it. Three months later the island was punished with the plague, whereupon the people of Skopelos repented and returned the icon to the Monastery, also dedicating to it a metochi on their island. The icon is small in size and the design is very blackened and difficult to make out. It is kept in the chapel named after it, where the Salutations (the Akathistos Hymn) are read daily.


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Holy Monastery of Dionysios: the imposing Monastery of Saint John the Forerunner and Virgin Mary of Akathist

Holy Monastery of Dionysios: the imposing Monastery of Saint John the Forerunner and Virgin Mary of Akathist

The Dionysios Monastery was built in the 14th century and its founder was Saint Dionysios from Korysos in Kastoria. The construction of the monastery was a laborious process for Dionysios, as there were no financial resources and means for building. In the effort of Dionysios, a great supporter and sponsor was Alexios III Komnenos, Emperor of Trebizond, motivated also by the Metropolitan of the city Theodosios, who was a fellow brother of Dionysios. Donations to the Monastery were later continued by the Emperors Palaiologos, as well as by many leaders of Moldavia. Saint Dionysios completed the construction of the Monastery in 1380 and gave it his name.

Map of Mount Athos MORE
Prayer of St. John Crysostom

Prayer of St. John Crysostom

I believe, O Lord, and I confess that thou art truly the Christ, the Son of the living God, who didst come into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. And I believe that this is truly thine own immaculate Body, and that this is truly thine own precious Blood.

Orthodox Prayers MORE
Saint George Karslides

Saint George Karslides

Saint George Karslides was born in Argyroupolis, Pontos in 1901. He became an orphan very young, so it was his pious grandmother, who raised the young Athanasios (St. George's baptismal name) to have a "holy fear of God and a fervent love for the Church's divine services". The region of Pontos in Asia Minor has historically been a great seat of Orthodoxy and more recently was also the site of such spiritually important monasteries of Panagia Soumela, Peristereota and St. John Vazelonos. At the age of five Athanasios began tending his family\'s flocks, all while bearing the harsh treatment of his older brother, who made life difficult for him and for his younger sister Anna. They bore this with love, perseverance and holiness. In fact, when Anna died at a young age, light emanated from her grave. Three years later, when her remains were exhumed, her bones had the same yellow hue as the Saints of God.

Modern Elders MORE


Virgin Mary The Joy of the Sorrowful

Virgin Mary The Joy of the Sorrowful

15,00 €
Silver Cross with Jesus and Virgin Mary

Silver Cross with Jesus and Virgin Mary

24,00 €
Silk Prayer Rope with 100 Knots and Karidokompos
Myrrh Holy Cell of Saint Nicholas

Myrrh Holy Cell of Saint Nicholas

6,00 €
Embroidery with Blessing

Embroidery with Blessing

5,00 €
Icon Sticker with Theotokos

Icon Sticker with Theotokos

3,00 €
Orthodox Scented Wicks for Vigil Lamps

Orthodox Scented Wicks for Vigil Lamps

1,50 €
Mount Athos Wick Float for Vigil Lamp - Cantilithra
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