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Theotokos Soumela

    On Mount Mela of Trebizond, at an altitude of 1.063 meters, inside a cave was founded the monastery of Virgin Mary of Sumela in 386 AD. The monastery was built by two Athenian monks, Barnabas and Sophronios, and this particular name was given to Virgin Mary, because of an expression, which Pontic Greeks were using when they were climbing the Mount Mela.
    The miraculous image, which, according to tradition, was drawn by the Evangelist Luke on wood, along with the Holy water with the healing abilities, were the reference points of the monastery.
    However, the brutal behavior of the Turks and the Kemalists towards the monasteries of Pontus, led to the total destruction of the monastery in 1922. Short time before the population exchange between Greece and Turkey during 1923, the monks hid the holy icon together with the Holy Cross of Manuel III and a manuscript gospel of Saint Christopher, in the chapel of Saint Barbara.
    But history does not stop there. In 1931, with the intervention and encouragement of Eleftherios Venizelos, one of the two remaining living monks of the historic monastery traveled from Thessaloniki to Pontus, willing to uncover the heirlooms and bring them back to Greece. Indeed, the monk managed to take with him the heirlooms, which are symbols of our faith and of Orthodoxy, and bring them back to Greece.
    A few years later, in 1951, the construction of the new monastery of Virgin Mary Sumela have started in Vermio, which is the point of reference for Pontian Hellenism in Greece. There, the icon of Virgin Mary of Sumela found a \"home\" and it was placed together with the rest of the heirlooms. Every year, on August 15th, Virgin Mary of Sumela is celebrated, and many faithful, Pontic and non- Pontic Greeks are visiting the monastery to worship the holy icon.


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Virgin Mary Portaitissa - Holy Monastery Iviron

Virgin Mary Portaitissa - Holy Monastery Iviron

The most famous and most revered miraculus icon of the Theotokos which the Holy Mountain possesse was, in the 9th century in the reign of Theophilus the Eikonomachos (Iconoclast), the personal property of a devout widow from Nicaea in Asia Minor, who kept it and honoured it in her private chapel. The Emperor\\\'s men who got to hear of this decided not to carry out immediately the order about icons, but to start by trying to blackmail its rich owner.  In the time which they gave her to collect the money they demanded, the widow took the icon and her dearly loved son and, after fervent prayer, took it to the sea and left it on the surface of the waves, so that it should not be defied by the iconolasts. The icon stood upright on the water and began to head towards the west, while the widow\'s son, following her advice, also fled towards the west to escape persecution. Later he became a monk and died on the north-east coast of Athos near or in the Monastery of Clement, and so the anchorites round about heard from him the story of the icon.

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Holy Monastery Iviron: the history of the Monastery and the miraculous icon of Panagia Portaitissa

Holy Monastery Iviron: the history of the Monastery and the miraculous icon of Panagia Portaitissa

The Monastery of Iviron was originally founded in the 8th century and was known as the Monastery of Clement. However, in 980, a group of Georgian monks from the Great Lavra and under the guidance of the eminent monk John Tournikios, strengthened the monastery and made it a major power. Ioannis Tornikios as a monk was called by the emperor of Byzantium Basil II and together they suppressed the rebellion of the general Barda Skleros (or Sclerus). From the spoils and the imperial donations, the oldest monastery of Clement was enlarged and the Monastery of Iviron was created. Saint Ioannis and his natural son Saint Euthymios - founder of the monastery and later abbot - emerged as enlighteners of the monks in Iviron monastery.

Map of Mount Athos MORE
Powerful and Short Prayers to Say Every Day

Powerful and Short Prayers to Say Every Day

In the Christian life believers need to communicate with God through prayer. All the prayers must be said with deep faith and reverence.  Here are five powerful prayers you can say during the day.

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