When the Blessed Cosmas of Zografou, an anchorite who flourished around the end of the 13th century or the beginning of the 14th, was still living in the coenobium, he chanced once to be alone in the church and to turn towards this particular icon fervent prayer, saying: “Most holy Theotokos, pray to your Son and God, that I may be led along the path of salvation”. He then heard the Theotokos say: “Son my God, teach your servant how he may be saved”, and Christ immediately reply: “Let him retire from the Monastery and find his peace alone”. In truth, the Saint made great progress in the life of hesychasm and was glorified with the gift of working miracles. The icon which heard (the name is derived from this concept) his supplication is in the sanctusary of the Monastery\'s kathilikon.