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Virgin Mary of Mount Athos

   The Lady Theotokos was first revealed in Athos, to Saint Peter (655-681) and after four to five centuries, to the abbot of the Great Lavra, Nikolaos. On both hermits he said the following words: \"Your inhabitation and resting to God should be nowhere else other than Mount Athos, where I received it from my Son and God, for all of those who want to leave the cosmic confusion, in order to come to work in this garden, to cultivate their virtue, their purity of their heart and the purity of their soul and from now on everyone should called it \"Mount Athos\".
    After these words, Lady Theotokos promised to love, to look after and protect the monks, and help them avoiding temptations, dangers and distress. Due to these promises and the divine mortgage of Lady Theotokos, Mount Athos, from the day it inhabited by the Monks up to this day continues its holy life and spiritual action. Although the Monks from time to time, have been severely being under various temptations, visible and invisible, the help offered by God and the Lady Theotokos’ care help to ensure that the sacred struggle and the preservation of the Faith will continue to exist forever.


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Theotokos  Axion Esti

Theotokos Axion Esti

This miracle-working icon, which is today kept on the synthronon of the church of the Protaton in Karyes, was in the late 10th century in a kelli near Karyes which today bears the same name of “Axion Estin” because of the following miracle:

while the Elder of the kelli was absent at a vigil in the Protaton, his hypotaktikos happened to be providing hospitality to some passing monk, unknown to him, with whom he was signing the service of Sunday Matins.

Miraculous Icons of Theotokos MORE
Mount Athos: a unique Unesco World Heritage Site

Mount Athos: a unique Unesco World Heritage Site

Mount Athos is already known from Greek mythology. It is said that in the area where the peninsula of Mount Athos is located, a great titanic battle took place between the giants and the gods of Olympus. In this battle, the leader of the giants was Athos, son of Uranus and Gaia. According to mythology, the giant Athos grabbed a huge rock and hurled it with great force against the Olympian gods. In this way, the area of Halkidiki and the homonymous peninsula were created.

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The Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos (Akathist Hymn)

The Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos (Akathist Hymn)

Rejoice, thou through whom joy shall shine forth. Rejoice, thou through whom the curse shall be blotted out.

Rejoice, thou the Restoration of fallen Adam. Rejoice, thou the redemption of the tears of Eve.

Rejoice, Height hard to climb for human thought. Rejoice, Depth hard to explore, even for the eyes of Angels.

Rejoice, for thou art the Throne of the King. Rejoice, for thou sustainest the Sustainer of all.

Rejoice, Star that causest the Sun to appear. Rejoice, womb of the divine Incarnation.

Rejoice, thou through whom creation is renewed. Rejoice, thou through whom the Creator becometh a babe.

Rejoice, thou Bride unwedded.

Orthodox Prayers MORE


Virgin Mary Eforos of Mount Athos

Virgin Mary Eforos of Mount Athos

7,00 €
Aromatic Prayer Rope with Virgin Mary Tears and Cross
Theotokos Eforos of Holy Mount Athos

Theotokos Eforos of Holy Mount Athos

35,00 €


10,00 €
Magnet with Virgin Mary of Mount Athos

Magnet with Virgin Mary of Mount Athos

2,00 €
Leather Belt Eforos | Holy Cell of Saint Nicholas
Virgin Mary of Mount Athos Silver Pendant

Virgin Mary of Mount Athos Silver Pendant

15,00 €
Home Censer with the Vine

Home Censer with the Vine

16,00 €
Sticker with Cross IC XC NIKA

Sticker with Cross IC XC NIKA

1,80 €
Beeswax Candles (4) Holy Cell of St. Nicholas
Virgin Mary of Mount Athos

Virgin Mary of Mount Athos

75,00 €
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