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Saint Fanourios Cake (Fanouropita)

1 cup of orange juice
1 cup of olive oil
1 cup of sugar
1 spoonful of cinnamon
1 spoonful of clove
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon of bicarbonate soda
½ kilo of flour
1 glass of water
Olive for the baking pan
Sesame for the sprinkling (optional)
White almonds (optional)
Caster sugar (optional)


In a bowl, mix the orange juice, the oil, the sugar, the cinnamon, the clove, the bicarbonate soda, the baking powder, the flour and the water, until the mixture is smooth enough. Oil a baking pan with a brush and spread sesame on its surface. Pour the mixture in the baking pan and sprinkle it with sesame and as many almonds as you want. Bake it at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. As soon as the cake is cold enough, cut it in 40 small pieces according to the tradition. Sprinkle it with caster sugar if you wish.


Find here the cookbook: Traditional Recipies of Holy Mount Athos by Monk Nikitas Agioreitis


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Mount Athos Recipe for Koliva

Mount Athos Recipe for Koliva

Authentic traditional recipe for a hut from the fathers on Mount Athos. Easy step-by-step recipe. Instructions: Boil the wheat, so that it does not become a porridge. Strain it and spread it on a clean towel to drain its water. Put in a pan all the ingredients (except for the powdered sugar) and mix them. Place them on a platter and press them over with a baking paper. Cover it with sugar. If koliva is for memorial, form a cross with cinnamon or almond or pomegranate seeds. If it is for the celebration of a saint, create the form of the saint with cinnamon or natural colors.

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Koliva: the symbolism of the ingredients and how we decorate them

Our Church established two All Souls’ Days for those who have fallen asleep, because many people at times died in the sea or in mountains and cliffs or due to poverty and did not receive the typical memorial services. For this reason, "The holy Fathers, moved by philanthropy, established this memorial service for all devoutly departed Christians throughout the ages". In the Orthodox monastic life, memorial services and in general the memory of death, have a great importance. For this reason, the holy fathers give special attention to kolliva, both in their preparation and consumption.

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Mount Athos Bread

Mount Athos Bread

Overnight \"grab\" the yeast in some lukewarm water and flour (to be like porridge) in a bowl, which cover with a clean towel and leave in a warm place to rise. In the morning, sift the flour into a bowl, make a well in center and pour in batter with yeast. (If you make bread with yeast, you do not have to prepare  overnight.

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