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Fresh Cod

Ingredients (5-6 servings):
1.5 to 2 kilos fresh cod
4 large chopped onions or onion broth
300 g. oil
5-6 peeled cloves of garlic
5-6 lemons (about 200 g. lemon juice)
1 bunch of parsley
Black pepper

Clean the cod and cut it into pieces of five to six cm in thickness. Wash well all the pieces. Inside the cod’s belly there is a film, which you must carefully remove as well as any blood remaining, until it is totally white. Then, sprinkle it with lots of coarse salt and let it stay in the sieve for two to three hours at least. Before you start cooking it, you must slightly rinse the cod and put it in the pan. Add the onion broth and fill with cold water until the fish is covered. In the case that you don’t want to make any onion broth, you can also use finely chopped onions. Put the pan over very high heat and when it starts to boil, skim and then pour the oil and the garlic (as well as the chopped onions if you don’t have onion broth). About 45 minutes later, lower the heat to the half and shake the pan occasionally (do not stir), so as the food doesn’t stick to the bottom of the utensil as its sauce becomes thicker. When its liquids lessen and the food is thick enough, pour the lemon juice, about thirty to forty seconds before you remove the pan from heat. Then, shake the pan very well so as the lemon juice spreads evenly. At that time you can see something very important: when lemon juice is added in the pan, the sauce gets thicker and even whiter. At that moment, remove from heat and add the chopped parsley and the black pepper. Finally, cover the utensil with the lid. It is served warm.


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Barley with Mushrooms by the Father Gedeon

Barley with Mushrooms by the Father Gedeon

Saute the onions and the mushrooms. Add the tomato sauce and water and let it boil until the mushrooms soften. Then, add the barley. Remove from fire when the liquids evaporate.

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Wild Rice with Mushrooms

Wild Rice with Mushrooms

1) Put in the pot our olive oil and the butter to burn a little, add the onions and saute lightly, add the mushrooms and continue sautéing until get browned our ingredients.
2) Then add the rice and warm water, salt, pepper, remix very well and leave to boil until they are left with little water.
3)Take down the pot from the heat, cover with a clean towel and putting on the lid, bring the rice to swell and absorb all the water.
4) We keep the rice warm when served on a plate put over a little chopped parsley.

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Prayer to the Guardian Angel

O angel of God, my holy guardian, given to me from heaven, enlighten me this day, and save me from all evil. Instruct me in doing good deeds, and set me on the path of salvation. Amen.

O angel of Christ, holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me everything wherein I have offended you every day of my life, and protect me from all influence and temptation of the Evil One. May I never again anger God by my sins. Pray for me to the Lord, that He may make me worthy of the grace of the All-Holy Trinity, and of the blessed Mother of God, and of all the saints. Amen.

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