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Bread with Greens

1 kilo of flour (1/2 kilo of hard flour and ½ kilo of soft flour)
2 glasses of water (perhaps some more)
1 bunch of fresh onions
1 bunch of chopped dill
A little chopped parsley
2 sachets of baking powder (or 8 teaspoons)
1 tea spoon of bicarbonate soda


Mix all the ingredients well and spread them in a regular baking pan. Bake this mixture in a preheat oven at 200 degrees for about an hour. This recipe can also be made with raising flour, but in this case you shouldn’t use the baking powder and the bicarbonate soda.


Find here the cookbook: Traditional Recipies of Holy Mount Athos by Monk Nikitas Agioreitis


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Eggplant in Oven with Mushrooms

Eggplant in Oven with Mushrooms

1) Place the eggplant in a large bowl with salt and leave for half an hour to get the bitterness. Then wash and sauté lightly with oil.
2) Saute the onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. Pour a glass of water, salt, pepper and boil until you save all the juices.

Vegetables MORE
Chocolate Crunch (Kormos)

Chocolate Crunch (Kormos)

We mix the butter with the sugar for 5 minutes, we add the chocolate and mix the mixture well. We smash the biscuits in small pieces, we sprinkle them with brandy and add them with the walnuts in the butter mixture. We mix all the ingredients very well. We shape the mixture  as  a roll about 5 cm, we cover it with silver foil and put it in the fridge to freeze.

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Eldress Galaktia of Crete: Prayer to our Lord

Eldress Galaktia of Crete: Prayer to our Lord

«Lord, grant me only humility and silence. I ask nothing else from You. Humility births love for all Your creations. I know that I am the greatest sinner, and no one else in the universe has embittered You as much as I, the despicable one, have. Help me to live with this every day. Do not let the devil fool me into thinking I am something when I am nothing. Grant me only to feel how sinner I am and help me to follow Your commandments to find mercy from Your countless love. Do not let me despair because of my sins but let me rejoice every day because You have mercy on me and will save me because You are compassionate. Do not let me have evil thoughts or judge my fellow human beings. I am to blame for them, and since I am the cause of their sin, I must only judge myself. Lord, Lord, do not deprive me of the river of Your divine mercy. Amen!».

Orthodox Prayers MORE


Holy Communion Wine of Samos - 750 ml

Holy Communion Wine of Samos - 750 ml

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Hyssop of the Holy Dormition Monastery

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Saint Euphrosyn the Cook

Saint Euphrosyn the Cook

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Handmade Athonite Dessert (Florentine)

Handmade Athonite Dessert (Florentine)

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Diaconal Apron (Working)

Diaconal Apron (Working)

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Red Wine of the Xenophontos Monastery

Red Wine of the Xenophontos Monastery

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