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Cake with Oil or Tahini

5 cups of rising flour
2 ½ cups of orange juice
¾ cup of cognac
1 spoonful of bicarbonate soda
1 ½ cup of smashed walnuts
½ cup of smashed almonds
1 teacup of oil or a cup of tahini
1 spoonful of ground cinnamon and carnation
Lemon peels
Orange peels
1 cup of raisins
2 ½ cups of sugar


Mix all the ingredients well, except for the raisins, to make a curdy dough. If the tahini is too curdy, dilute it with the lemon juice. Also, dilute the bicarbonate soda in the cognac. Finally, wash and dry the raisins, cover them with flour them and add them in the dough last. This happens so that the raisins won’t stand at the bottom of the dough. Oil and flour a baking pan. Put the dough in it. Spread the dough in the baking pan, so that it will be 2-3 cm thick, in order to be baked correctly. Bake it in medium temperature until it is well strained over an hour. If it is browned, cover it with grease proof paper, so that it won’t get burnt. If you stick a knife sideways and it comes out clean, then the cake is ready.


Find here: Cookbooks and Pastry books for Monastic Gastronomy


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