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Stuffed Vine Leaves (Dolmadakia)

Stuffed Vine Leaves (Dolmadakia)

We scald  the vine leaves and strain. Mix all the ingredients except the lemon. Wrap the vine leaves, putting a little stuffing aside in each vine leave , and poured into wide pot.



Cut into rounds all vegetables. Saute the onions and garlic in the olive oil. Add the tomato paste dissolved in a little water, parsley, salt and pepper. Spread the vegetables in the roasting pan, drizzle with the sauce and mix well.

 Soyballs (Soytzoukakia)

Soyballs (Soytzoukakia)

Peel the eggplant and wash. Cut the slices one centimeter thick and fry or bake them and leave them in a colander to drain, while preparing the sauce. Saute in oil the chopped onions, add the tomato, parsley, chopped peppers, salt, pepper and boil with a little water. Add the butter and after a boil, remove a little sauce and keep it separately.

 Potatoes in Oven with Quinces

Potatoes in Oven with Quinces

Peel the potatoes and quinces and cut them. Put them all in the large baking pan.Add the tomatoes, pepper and salt.Stir and then add the oil. Bake at 200 degrees.

Potatoes in Oven with Shrimps

Potatoes in Oven with Shrimps

Peel potatoes and cut them-like the moussaka-thin slices and spread in the pan.Use sesame oil  which add in the potatoes to the pan, along with dry chopped onion, oregano, green pepper and a little mustard. Put them all together and mix well.

Stuffed Potatoes with Cheese

Stuffed Potatoes with Cheese

Peel the potatoes peeled and scoop them, removing much of the pith .Boil to soften slightly, but be careful not to melt. Beat in bowl, and stir the eggs with the cream cheese and the milk cream.

Potatoes Viennoua by Father-Seraphim

Potatoes Viennoua by Father-Seraphim

Boil potatoes and peel them after they get cold cut in thin slices.Put the butter and onions in skillet ,in fire, shaking constantly, until getting onion deep vibrant colour.Add the salted potatoes and stir. Let them simmer for

Cauliflower with Apple and Orange Sauce

Cauliflower with Apple and Orange Sauce

Wash cauliflower and cut into large saucepan crests .Put  in the tassel .Wash well the orange, cut into thin horizontal slices along with skins and spread between cauliflower.Add celery and a carrot, cut into slices.

Red Pumpkin in the Oven by the Father Gabriel

Red Pumpkin in the Oven by the Father Gabriel

Peel and chop the pumpkin into pieces.Salt and place in baking dish in layers: pumpkin-onion-pepper-mint and cheese.Repeat until finish materials.

Stuffed Artichokes with Salmon

Stuffed Artichokes with Salmon

We get rid of the artichokes leaves and we keep their inside. We sauté them in oil in a frying pan and we lay them on an oven board. We sprinkle with salt ,pepper , oregano and lemon. We fill them with the stuffing we make...

Chestnuts in Stew by the elder Prodromos

Chestnuts in Stew by the elder Prodromos

We peel the small onions and we put them in salt water. We pierce each one of them in two points –with a small fork. We poach the chestnuts and we try to peel them carefully so as they are not fallen apart. We put the onions, the chestnuts and all the other ingredients in a pan...

Vegetables Stew

Vegetables Stew

We wash the vegetables. We sauté the finely chopped spring onions in a pan together with the oil. Then, we add the finely chopped herbs. We sauté them and we...

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