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Spinach with Dill and Mint

Spinach with Dill and Mint

Wash, chop and scald the spinach. Saute the onions in oil and add the spinach and all the remaining ingredients. Pour some water and leave the food to boil. Before serving, sprinkle with the lemon juice.

Stewed Liks

Stewed Liks

Saute onion in oil, add the tomato, ketchup, salt, pepper and bring to a boil. Wash and cut the leeks into sticks or logs. Pour the sauce we made and add the carrots and some water. Bring to a simmer. Before serving, sprinkle with the lemon juice.



Saute onions in oil for 5 minutes. Then add the peppers cut into strips and let them saute. Then add the peeled and chopped tomatoes, salt, water, vinegar, pepper and garlic.Boil for 20 minutes.  

Mushroom Balls

Mushroom Balls

Wash, chop the mushrooms and mix with remaining ingredients. Heat oil and pour this mixture with spoonfuls of mushrooms for frying. If its necessary, add a few tablespoons of flour.

Baked Potatoes with Cumin

Baked Potatoes with Cumin

Wash and brush the potatoes, to dry them well and cut them in half. Mix salt with cumin and dip the flat cut surface of the potato mixture. If you want them oil free, put them in a pan without butter plant. Otherwise brush the pan with 50g. butter. Bake potatoes at 200 degrees for 30 m3 35 minutes.

Braide Mushrooms

Braide Mushrooms

Remove the skin and seeds from the tomatoes and cut into slices. Saute the onions with oil and then add the tomatoes, mushrooms, ketchup. Salt, pepper and oregano. Add a little water if necessary and simmer.Garnish with parsley leaves. Serve the mushrooms with rice.

Potatoes with Spinach

Potatoes with Spinach

Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces. Saute the onions in oil and add the broth, potatoes, garlic and mustard. Simmer until potatoes become tender, blanketing the pan for 20 minutes. Add spinach and salt and leave for a few minutes, simmering until wilted.



Peel and cut potatoes for fries. Fry them in medium oil . Pull them out and spread in pan. Pour the cheese, salt. pepper, oregano and stir gently. Spread evenly in the pan again. Beat eggs with milk and a little salt and pepper. Pour the mixture into the pan and bake in moderate oven until risen and become lightly browned.  

Artichokes with Beans or Peas

Artichokes with Beans or Peas

Peel the artichokes from the outer leaves and pour into bowl with water and lemon juice, not to smell. Saute onion and garlic in olive oil. Pour the beans or peas and turn two to three times.

Wild Rice with Mushrooms

Wild Rice with Mushrooms

1) Put in the pot our olive oil and the butter to burn a little, add the onions and saute lightly, add the mushrooms and continue sautéing until get browned our ingredients. 2) Then add the rice and warm water, salt, pepper, remix very well and leave to boil until they are left with little water. 3)Take down the pot from the heat, cover with a clean towel and putting on the lid, bring the rice to swell and absorb all the water. 4) We keep the rice warm when served on a plate put over a little chopped parsley.

Eggplant in Oven with Mushrooms

Eggplant in Oven with Mushrooms

1) Place the eggplant in a large bowl with salt and leave for half an hour to get the bitterness. Then wash and sauté lightly with oil. 2) Saute the onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. Pour a glass of water, salt, pepper and boil until you save all the juices.

Potatoes in Oven with Mushrooms or Weeds

Potatoes in Oven with Mushrooms or Weeds

Peel and cut the potatoes in  quartered. The wild leeks wash them well and cut thick slices 3-4 cm (If we have mushrooms cut thin slices). Chop the garlic thin slices. Stir in baking pan all the ingrentients carefully and add water, just enough to cover the potatoes.

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